March Menu Makers: Toasted Oats Cereal

Looking for a way to create some crunch? This month, the Menu Makers program is featuring toasted oats cereal. From savory to sweet, this product can be used in so many ways to create a variety of dishes. Check out March's recipes -- which range from cereal bars and snack mixes to chicken strips and parfaits -- here. Happy cooking!

2020-11-03T08:50:41-06:00March 2nd, 2016|Food Shelf, Programs|

February Menu Makers: Creamy Soups

Warm Up With Some Delicious Recipes! Our Menu Makers program features a food shelf staple (as well as a seasonally appropriate item) this month: cream soup. It is an extremely versatile product that can be used to create comfort foods to warm the belly and the soul. Whether you call them hot dishes or casseroles, cream [...]

2020-10-30T10:37:46-05:00February 2nd, 2016|Food Shelf, News, Volunteers|

Menu Makers Celebrates 1st Anniversary

Eat Well. Do Good Things. That is the slogan for the Menu Makers program at Neighbors, Inc. The concept, brought forth by Neighbors volunteers, is to provide affordable, simple, healthy (and delicious) recipes for food shelf products. Each month a different product and different set of recipes is featured. Clients who visit the food shelf are [...]

2020-10-30T10:30:07-05:00December 1st, 2015|Food Shelf, News|

November Menu Makers: Back to the Beginning

The product featured for our Menu Makers program in November is the product that started it all: cranberries. Recipes for this seasonal favorite are new (no repeats from the last time it was featured) and we think you're really going to like them! The staff favorite by far is the delicious Cranberry Pulled Pork. We were [...]

2020-10-30T10:22:38-05:00November 1st, 2015|Food Shelf, News, Volunteers|

Move For Hunger

Moving? Don't want to make space in your moving boxes with the food in your cupboard? You can donate it to a local food shelf through Move For Hunger. Recently, Neighbors, Inc. has been blessed to be the recipient of food donations from local moving companies who participate in the Move For Hunger program. Started in [...]

2020-10-30T10:21:22-05:00October 22nd, 2015|Donating, Food Shelf, News, Northern Dakota County|

October Menu Makers: Black Beans Part II

Wonderful Recipes for Nutritious Black Beans! There were so many great black beans recipes to choose from, Menu Makers is featuring black beans as its product of the month again in October. Plus, black beans are a healthy, affordable source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Healthy Facts About Black Beans: Considered one of the world's [...]

2020-10-30T10:19:57-05:00October 6th, 2015|Food Shelf, News, Volunteers|

July Menu Makers: Green Beans

Menu Makers Features Green Bean Recipes in July Use canned green beans (or stop by your local farmer's market to get fresh green beans) for these delicious recipes! Either way, we would like to share some recipe ideas to help you put a new spin on some classic dishes. Bon appetite! Green Bean Flyer      The [...]

2020-10-30T10:14:02-05:00July 1st, 2015|Food Shelf, Programs, Volunteers|

Menu Makers: Fresh Ideas

Corn-on-the-Cob Featured as a "Bonus" Menu Makers Fresh Produce = Fresh Ideas It's Summer and we are loving all of the fresh produce we're getting donated to our Food Shelf! We love it so much that we have created a new subcategory for our Menu Makers recipe-sharing program called Menu Makers: Fresh Ideas. When we [...]

2020-10-30T10:04:31-05:00June 24th, 2015|Food Shelf, News, Volunteers|

June Menu Makers: Chocolate Cake Recipes

To complete the three month "sugar trilogy," we are featuring yet another dessert product for our Menu Makers program in June: chocolate cake. These chocolate cake recipes will be distributed, along with a box of chocolate cake mix, to food shelf clients throughout the month of June. You can also get a copy of these [...]

2020-10-30T10:01:06-05:00June 1st, 2015|Food Shelf, News|

May Menu Makers: Brownies!

Ooey, Gooey, Delicious Brownie Recipes are Featured in May We are on a dessert kick at Neighbors! For a couple months in a row, our Menu Makers program will feature recipes for the final course of the meal: dessert! Check out all of the wonderful, chocolatey recipes submitted by volunteers, staff and friends of Neighbors [...]

2020-10-30T09:46:38-05:00May 4th, 2015|Food Shelf, News, Programs|

April Menu Makers: Yellow Cake Mix

Looking for a last-minute idea for the perfect dessert to serve? Look no further! Our own Menu Makers recipe program has got you covered. We recently received a large donation of cake mixes in the Food Shelf & that got us thinking of (and baking) some of our favorite recipes. We'd like to share some [...]

2020-10-30T09:44:42-05:00April 4th, 2015|Food Shelf, Programs|

Volunteer Recognition: Bill K.

Springing in with recognition, Neighbors is proud to recognize Food Shelf volunteer Bill K. for his dedication to volunteering. Thank you for everything you do! Here is what a fellow volunteer said about Bill: "Bill is usually here every Monday and Friday working on meat, cereal, and everything else. On Wednesday he came in to [...]

2015-04-02T15:24:25-05:00April 2nd, 2015|Food Shelf, News, Volunteering, Volunteers|

Food Fight!

Five Local Restaurants Compete for "Best Burger" And the Proceeds Benefit Neighbors, Inc. As part of his *ahem* journalistic duties, Adam Carter with Town Square TV, took the Food Fight journey and tried all five burgers from the participating restaurants (in just one day!) Check out his experience here: Although we're not sure we would recommend [...]

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